Training Courses.
Westcotec can provide the below training courses for up to 12 learners. Refreshments including tea and coffee are served throughout the training.
01 Health, Safety and Environment at work.
102 Control of Hazardous substances.
103 Electrical Safety.
104 Moving and Handling.
105 Interpretation of legislation and standards.
106 emergency preparedness.
101-106 combined.
201 Hazard Identification and Risk assessment.
204 Handheld tools including powered Handheld drills and screwdrivers.
205.1 Working at height; steps and ladders.
207 Personal Protective Equipment.
209 On Site safety.
210 Working in the vicinity of DNO-IDNO equipment, including G39.
210.1 Working in vicinity of DNO-IDNO equipment Awareness, inc G39.
302.1 Temporary Traffic management; Rural and Urban Roads.
214 Safe isolation.
215 Emergency attendance